Surfing around the internet today, I came across this interesting article about hypnobirthing, and some pros and cons of using it in labour (from I always think it is useful to get a balanced view, so I thought I would reproduce it here for you today… HypnoBirthing for Birth Professionals: A seminar Last weekend, […]
Category Archives: News
Dr William Sears Recommends the Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper Bassinet
Watch this short video to understand why Dr William Sears has recommended the Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper Bassinet. “When you sleep close to your baby, babies sleep better.” Is there a better reason than that to use one? Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter here, and join our growing Facebook community to stay abreast of Birth Partner’s new […]
More good reasons to wear your baby
I recently found an article on Alternative Mama’s blog about babywearing, listing 14 reasons why you should. It really resonated with me – especially that it is easier than using a pram, and particularly useful when you have more than one child. I have 3 little munchkins, you see, and when I had a baby, bub […]