Isn’t it wonderful where a google search can take you? I’ve noticed a lot of talk recently about what people do with their baby’s placenta after the birth – some choose to bury it, others to encapsulate it for homeopathic remedies, many just leave it at the hospital. I found this recipe for cooking a […]
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How Far Dilated Am I?
I found this on a very informative website at I think this is amazing, and I wish more midwives used this technique. Many women in labour ask how far dilated they are (and even more midwives like to check), but don’t necessarily want to have a vaginal exam in the throes of labour. Looking for […]
The Importance of Breastfeeding
“Breastfeeding is the biological norm and most beneficial method for feeding infants with immediate and long-term health outcomes for mother and infant” (NSW Health) Most Australian mothers know of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. WHO goes on to recommend that children continue to breastfeed while […]
How to Prevent a Posterior Labour
Whenever I speak with a mum about how to prevent a posterior labour , I always recommend the Spinning Babies website of course (, but I also like this great article on How to Prevent a Posterior Labor by mamatam for MotherSpirit Posterior labor happens when your baby’s head is face up to your belly button (face down […]
Using TENS for an induction
I am often asked if TENS can be used when being induced, and whether it interferes with monitoring. TENS is a great pain relief option to use during an induction. You can attach it before the induction starts, and start building your endorphins, so that when labour starts your body is already filled with feel-good […]
Hypnobirthing Tips for Support People
Surfing around the internet today, I came across this interesting article about hypnobirthing, and some pros and cons of using it in labour (from I always think it is useful to get a balanced view, so I thought I would reproduce it here for you today… HypnoBirthing for Birth Professionals: A seminar Last weekend, […]
Dr William Sears Recommends the Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper Bassinet
Watch this short video to understand why Dr William Sears has recommended the Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper Bassinet. “When you sleep close to your baby, babies sleep better.” Is there a better reason than that to use one? Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter here, and join our growing Facebook community to stay abreast of Birth Partner’s new […]
More good reasons to wear your baby
I recently found an article on Alternative Mama’s blog about babywearing, listing 14 reasons why you should. It really resonated with me – especially that it is easier than using a pram, and particularly useful when you have more than one child. I have 3 little munchkins, you see, and when I had a baby, bub […]