Looking for Spectra breast pump accessories and spare parts?
After you have bought your breast pump, you may want something extra to improve your life pumping breast milk. You are sure to find what you want directly from https://spectra-baby.com.au/
Here is a sample of what you might find:
Available in four different sizes, you are sure to find a spectra breast shield that is the most comfy for you, and may even help you to have more success expressing.
This soft silicone insert sits inside your breast shield, and cushions your breast. You can use the inserts to help with sizing.
These 160ml milk storage bottles attach straight on to your Spectra wide neck breast shield. They can be used for storage or to feed your baby with your expressed milk.
Breast Milk Storage Kit – Insulated bag and ice pack with 2 storage bottles to store breast milk for up to a day.
There is much more available, including manual breast pumps, power adaptors and a full range of spare parts to go with your breast pump. Let them know Birth Partner sent you! x
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