3 Essential Best Friends for Winter

Looking to fight colds and flu more naturally this winter?  These 3 Doterra essential oil blends will be your best friends this season, says Kim Redmond-Fewtrell, Doterra Wellness Advocate Energy Healer and Kinesiologist.

On Guard can help your immune system fights colds and flu – just dilute it and rub it directly onto your sternum where it can help your white blood cells, and help with fevers and temperature regulation.  You can also add it to your vaporiser or diffuser at night.  On Guard is one of Doterra’s most popular bends, and is available in beadlets and throat drops (cough lollies) as well

Easy Air can help you to breathe more easily, just rub it on your chest and back.  say Air can also be added to your vaporiser or diffuser at night.  Easy Air is also available in Easy Air Touch, pre-diluted in a roller bottle or in a Vapour Stick, easy for rubbing on and as Easy Air Respiratory Drops (lozenges).

DigestZen is possibly less well known than the first two, but the ginger in it is warming and can help to break down mucous – just dilute it in a carrier oil (like the fractionated coconut oil), and rub it behind your ears to help with sinus headaches.  For a mucous cough, rub on your lower chest.

Order any of these Doterra products, and receive a free sample of lemon essential oil (while stocks last), and a Modern Essentials Simple Solutions booklet.

If you are interested in joining Doterra yourself, and buying all your oils at wholesale prices, or even bringing in a little extra income, please let us know.