The Elle TENS Plus is new to Australia, and is being touted as the ultimate labour TENS. Why? The Elle TENS Plus is built using the same advanced technology as the Elle TENS machine, which has been available for many years. It is purpose-built for labour, with everything pre-set and a built-in Boost Button. But the […]
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Finding the Right Breastshield Size
Finding the right breastshield size to use with your breastpump is important if you want to maximise your efficiency when you pump, and also to maintain your comfort. A common misconception is that breast shield size is related to your breast size. It isn’t. It is related to the size of your nipples (which, like your […]
The Safe Sleep Seven
Confused about safe co-sleeping practices? You are not alone. La Leche League International ( gives these great 7 tips for safe co-sleeping or bedsharing. The Safe Sleep Seven If a mother is: 1. A non-smoker 2. Sober 3. Breastfeeding And her baby is: 4. Healthy 5. On his back 6. Lightly dressed and unswaddled And […]
A friend of yours is a friend of mine…
For over 9 years Birth Partner has been helping support women to have the birth and parenting experience that matches their vision. We are excited to have a re-designed website to make it easier for you to find what you want for your pregnancy, birth or baby. You can help us celebrate by passing on our details to […]
10 Reasons to choose the Bednest
10 reasons to choose the Bednest co-sleeping bassinet… Bednest attaches to your bed so it cannot slide away. Bednest’s opening side panel forms a bridge to create a continuous surface to your bed, crossing any gap between the mattresses – particularly important if your mattress sits within a frame. Bednest’s adjustable stand has 70 different settings […]
Hypnobirthing Tips for Support People
Surfing around the internet today, I came across this interesting article about hypnobirthing, and some pros and cons of using it in labour (from I always think it is useful to get a balanced view, so I thought I would reproduce it here for you today… HypnoBirthing for Birth Professionals: A seminar Last weekend, […]
How other cultures Prevent Post Natal Depression
I found a really interesting blog post today, from a fellow doula. She discusses the social structures that other cultures have in place to take care of the new mother. I wonder why we have stopped so many of these rituals? Here is an extract of the article by Kathleen Kendall-Tuckett, Ph.D., IBCLC, University of […]
Recipe for The Groaning Cake
I found this yummy recipe for “groaning cake” by Ami McKay, author of The Birth House. It can really help to see a woman through a long labour or give her strength after the birth!” Traditionally, groaning cake would have been baked by the midwife, or sometimes (more often now) by the woman in labour. The […]
Differences between the Ergo and Manduca Baby Carriers
I am often asked about the differences between the Ergo and the Manduca Baby Carriers, and this short video explains it much better than I ever could. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter here, and join our growing Facebook community to stay abreast of Birth Partner’s new products and special offers, as well as great information about pregnancy, birth […]
My Breastfeeding Plan
The Australian Breastfeeding Association is an amazing resource for all mums and mums-to-be, with loads of information, on their website, and a free helpline if you have any breastfeeding questions or difficulties. They have recently released a “Breastfeeding Plan”, similar to a Birth Plan. I love it so much I have attached it here for […]
Easier to Birth Using Upright Positions
Here’s some research and “proof” that it is easier to birth using upright positions for labour, rather than lying on your back – more room for baby, shorter second stage, a reduction in episiotomies and assisted deliveries (using forceps or vacuum extraction), and even less pain. Women have traditionally used upright labour positions for years, and […]